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Is there Any Level of Mistrust Between Marketers and Consumers?


It goes without saying that consumers that don't trust the message in an ad will be difficult for marketers to persuade to buy the intended product. Sadly, there's an increasing trend whereby customers take with a pinch of salt every advertising message directed to them on TV, social media, and other channels, according to Steve Olenski.


Whether trying to sell homes, such as in Tallahassee Real Estate, or other commodities, marketers are finding it tricky to push their message through to millennials that have become very skeptical to modern-day advertising. Compared to previous generations, this group has very little trust in commercials.


Another area that poses real questions for Tallahassee Real Estate marketers to think about is paid vs. real people in advertising. If you run a campaign where a famous person is deployed to endorse a specific brand that they like, consumers will most likely treat the efforts as manipulative and deceptive, Steve Olenski writes.


With the level of trust between marketers and consumers declining day by day, advertisers have to adopt a strategy that takes into account the sophistication of the modern audience. Today, the audience knows how the system works. They can tell when someone is trying hard to sell. For example, it takes no genius to see that a paid ad appearing on someone's Facebook profile is based on their previous searches.


Marketers that are ending up convincing their audience to buy are changing the way they brand and communicate. They're producing ads and commercials that not only are engaging, but also make much more sense. Increased attention is being paid to the consumer, with advertisement becoming more personable.


So, what are you going to do as a marketer, for example if you're dealing in homes for sale in Tallahassee FL? The trick lies in following the footsteps of successful marketers. As experts recommend, that entails promoting the value of your products to the audience you're targeting.


In other words, make it easy for a consumer to see the benefits that your brand provides. Are you solving a consumer pain or do you just want people to buy your product just because a celebrity is using it?


According to Steve Olenski, trust between marketers and consumers is currently in bad shape. The only way for a marketer to beat the mistrust directed toward their brand entails focusing on value delivery to the consumer. Any advertising has to be relevant to consumer needs.

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